• Concept design
  • Integration
  • UI/UX
  • Visual design
  • Websites and web services

Journalists’ Union website

The Journalists' Union is a strong and independent professional organisation founded and led by its members. The Journalists' Union website was outdated, and challenges were observed both in content management and discoverability.

The goal of the website redesign was to meet accessibility requirements, address members’ needs and preferences, and provide a modern, brand-consistent visual design with functional language versions. An easily navigable archive for materials, particularly for collective agreements, was also desired.

The project was initiated with concept workshops to review the website’s target audiences, objectives, use cases, and visual constraints.

During the design phase, prototypes were created for both mobile and desktop views. Feedback was extensively gathered from within the Journalists’ Union before starting the technical implementation.

Explore the Journalists’ Union website


The implementation phase was carried out in four sprints, with three dedicated to development work and the final sprint focused on migrating articles from the old site to the new one. Technically, the website is built with Gutenberg blocks, a material repository, and an event section, with content integrated from Lyyti.


The completed website is AA-level accessible, energy-efficient, and available in multiple languages. At the time of launch, the site scored a perfect 100 in all categories using the Google Lighthouse tool.

  • Mika Heijari

    Communications Expert, Journalists’ Union

Redandblue promptly addressed our wishes for the new website. Throughout the process, the professionals effectively realised our ideas for the site’s structure and visual design. The project proceeded smoothly, and it was easy to discuss our preferences. It is truly gratifying that visitors to our site can now find the information that matters to them more easily. The site now portrays the organisation as professional and knowledgeable.

  • Mika Heijari

    Communications Expert, Journalists’ Union

Contact us

Petri Siltala

Director, Sales & Finance